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Benefits of Combining Text and Email Marketing

3 min. read

Chances are you’re doing some form of email marketing already. This could be confirmation emails, monthly newsletters, webinar invites, product updates, etc. etc.. Chances are a little less that you are doing some form of text message marketing. These could be payment requests, online review generation, appointment reminders, etc. etc.. 

The big questions to think about are these:

Are texts or emails more effective?

Which should I be using for my marketing needs?

What are the benefits of doing both together?

Let’s first look at how these two marketing techniques measure up.

SMS vs Email Marketing

When it comes down to percentages, text messaging absolutely dominates email. The open rates and response rates for text are 5-7x higher for texts than emails.

Email: Average Open Rate -- 20%
Text: Average Open Rate -- 98%

Email: Average Response Rate -- 6%
Text: Average Response Rate -- 45%

Additionally, 95% of text messages are read within the first ninety seconds of being sent. It would seem that using solely email is always a no-brainer from these numbers. However, while a texting strategy for your company is definitely essential, there are still reasons to maintain a solid email marketing strategy.

Emails remain a strong marketing tool to send mass communication to thousands of people at once. This is a great strategy to gain webinar registrants, promote your blog content, and other things that may not be as welcome in a text message.

What channel should you use?

The obvious answer to this question is: BOTH. Text messages and email have unique strengths and weaknesses. By combining both together, you can eliminate the weaknesses and run an effective marketing strategy tailored to each campaign.

Use each marketing channel in the way that your customer wants. In the end, it’s all about the consumer. The data shows that 89% of consumers would rather communicate with a business over text message rather than a phone call. We live in a world where people want to text businesses, so text them and invite them to text you! Send online review requests, reminders for appointments, links to pay bills, documents, pictures, or videos!

But for some types of content (webinar invites, newsletters, blog updates, etc.) a consumer will prefer an email. By keeping the consumer in mind, you’ll be able to maximize satisfaction and generate more leads than ever. 

The benefits of combining email and text marketing efforts create happier customers, more leads, and a well-rounded marketing strategy.

How SMS marketing works with Email

Start by adding a texting call-to-action on your emails. This will help you to start texting conversations with potential customers. A customer you engage in a texting conversation with is significantly more likely to turn into a sales opportunity.

Continue to nurture those leads with relevant emails, and keep your personal communication over text message to schedule a demo, send payment links, and request reviews!


While text messaging is a must-have marketing strategy, there is massive benefit in combining your text message and email efforts. In the end, we want happy customers, an efficient team of employees, and increasing revenue. Combining texts and emails will carry us toward exactly that.

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