For dealers, the warm summer months are some of the busiest times because of tune-ups, new sales, service appointments and more. Your dealership may be overwhelmed by the influx of customers. But, there’s an easy solution to all of this, and it’s texting.
Texting may not be top of mind when it comes to relieving your service or sales department of stress and giving them more time to focus on what’s important. Texting is an easy way to communicate with customers in a timely manner, rather than playing phone tag over and over again with a customer.
With texting, your service or sales department can send a quick text in 2 seconds while in between service or working on a sale. Calling a customer takes about 5 minutes - and that’s even if they don’t answer and you leave a voicemail. Then your employees have to wait a few days for a response. Texting is quick, efficient, and much more reliable. It’s that easy!
“We love using Kenect at Hicklin Powersports, it’s so much easier sending a text than calling a customer over and over again. I also like that I don’t have to give out my personal number and get random texts and calls at night while I spend time with my family.” - Chris Jiles, Hicklin Powersports
Through our data, we found that a text is typically answered within 3-5 minutes while a phone call or email is between 2-5 days. With texting, your dealership will streamline communication and help the service and sales department focus on what’s really important. Also, your employees will be able to keep work at work and be able to enjoy their time off at home since we enable texting from your existing business number. It’s a win-win!
Reduce stress in the summer months by texting. It’s faster, more efficient, and easier for both your employees and customers. You won’t regret it!