Dealers put a lot of emphasis on creating a great website or landing page for customers to turn to, but is this space as effective as it could be? Today we’re going to discuss how to create an avenue for new and potential customers to reach out quickly and keep revenue flowing.
Imagine this: You have 1,000 people walk into your dealership with intent to do business. They came in to get information about your dealership and the brands that you carry. Those 1,000 customers there to look at new units on the showroom floor, find out if you have a part in stock for their current vehicle, or have come to schedule a service appointment.
How ecstatic would you be?
However, there are others in the building that are there to either tell these paying customers either how great you are or how difficult your dealership is to work with. Oh, and one last detail: you cannot see their faces and you cannot help them unless they call you or email you. You and your staff are stuck in a black box. You can hear the door chime with every visit, but your team cannot interact with them. What would you give to have the ability to tap those customer’s shoulder and ask, “How can I help you?”
This is a real-life scenario. Your business website is a digital extension of your showroom, staff, and culture of your dealership. Without the proper tools, your customers that visit your virtual dealership will leave without being spoken to.
Kenect offers dealers a communication lifeline by allowing these digital visitors to be helped by texting your staff their needs and inquires. By adding a “text us” button to your website, you are allowing customers an easy way to reach out to you, while also leaving their information and a way for you to contact them. Now you can put names and phone numbers to each customer that needs help.
You are also able to start a conversation that is not forced or rushed. The customer is reaching out to you through your website, and then you are responding to any comments or questions they may have.
Many dealers have not considered texting as a way to get leads, but its actually what customers want. We know that 89% of all your customers prefer to communicate with your dealership though text.
Its also not just what customers want, its what your employees want. They don’t need to spend the day cold calling a list of faceless people. Through the Kenect platform they can spend just a few seconds or minutes texting potential customers, freeing them up to do other tasks within the business.
Data shows those customers are responding quickly. 98% of all text messages are opened, with 95% of those read within three minutes. That is fast, and its saving both you and the customer time and money.
As little as five years ago, texting was not thought of as a good option to bring in customers, but over the pandemic, customers have seen text messages from businesses more frequently and it’s become a normal part of everyday life. Customers are expecting you to text them, not call them.
From start to finish, your customer can have a full transaction through text with the tools offered by Kenect. Are you ready to let them?