[Transcript from webinar with Kenect and De Novo Review in September of 2020]
Garrick Pursley:
So glad you could all join us for this presentation on how to generate more revenue for your firm with texting and online reviews. We think this is a really exciting and timely topic as communication is at an ever greater premium, especially under current circumstances. We're very pleased to have Mike from Kenect join us to talk about what Kenect offers in terms of texting functionality that you can incorporate into your practice. Mike, tell us a little bit about yourself.
Mike Melis:
Absolutely. Yeah. Glad to be here. Thank you so much, Garrick. I am the Director of Business Development here at Kenect. I have been in the software world for many, many years. We've been involved with hundreds of clients, helping them with their intake process and just bettering their communication and improving their revenue with texting. Excited to be here. Excited to share, hopefully, a few ideas today that everyone can take away and actually implement into their practice today.
Garrick Pursley:
Great. Thanks, Mike. I, of course, am Garrick. I am the Chief Strategy Officer and Chief Marketing Officer of De Novo Review. You're going to hear a lot about Kenect. Let me give you just five seconds on De Novo Review. We have a curated bench of legal talent. Basically, we will build a team of professionals to accomplish whatever goal you have, whether it's drafting a motion or building a litigation department. That is what we do. Here's my contact information. You can join our Facebook group there. We'll pop that up again at the end in case anybody wants to reach out to me.
Garrick Pursley:
What I'm going to do with a few minutes that I'm going to spend here at the beginning is just lay a little bit of the groundwork for what we're going to cover in the webinar today and just mention a few things about client relationship management in the modern era. The important point that I want to make is that client relationship management, it's not what it used to be where it was essentially your assistant taking calls and giving you written messages. Obviously, it's different now. You need to have a process and a plan that looks at the client relationship management side of your business as an important sector of your operations.
Garrick Pursley:
What we've seen with the law firms that are out there on the bleeding edge of this is a shift from thinking about this. Firms typically don't even think about it in customer service terms, but we've seen a shift among some firms from trying to do a customer service model where you have people who are trained to deal with clients and where you monitor that to an even more robust customer experience model. There are reasons for this. You need client cooperation, this bolsters it. You want to reduce client complaints. Of course, you want to reduce your own frustration, and shoring up that relationship at the beginning really helps to do that.
Garrick Pursley:
To think about things on a customer experience model, you need to recognize that there is a lifecycle to your client relationships. It begins with the very first communication you have with them, which is usually a preliminary call or an intake call. Then, of course, you have the important step of negotiating the fee or advising them of the fee and securing the retainer, at which point you're representing the client. A lot of times, then the relationship management part falls away, and you're focused on the legal work that the client needs help with. But what we want to suggest is that relationship management should remain an important process that runs alongside your substantive legal work.
Garrick Pursley:
There is the active phase where you're working on the client's initial matter, where communication is likely to be frequent. Monitoring the success of those communications and their quality will be helpful in the ways that I mentioned before. After your work on the initial matter is completed, clients need to enter a nurturing phase where you continue to communicate with them because those relationships, even after you finished with their appeal, or their trial, or writing their will, or whatever it is, can yield benefits after the fact.
Garrick Pursley:
This is what a lot of firms overlook, is that nurturing part where you continue communicating. It can lead to repeat business. It can lead to referrals. It can lead to other benefits. Positive reviews, that's something that Mike's going to talk about. Those are increasingly important because reviews make a huge difference when clients look for law firms online, and their decision about who to reach out to is often primarily driven by reviews, to the extent that there are some. When they visit your website, if you're able to have client testimonials, whether they're written or in video form, that's extremely effective. You can get referrals from your old clients if you cultivate those relationships, keep an eye on them and nurture them.
Garrick Pursley:
With that said, we're going to transition over to texting now. But what I want to say, so two key takeaways from this overview. First, you need a plan and a process for client relationship management. It's more important than ever now. Secondly, a key principle of client relationship management to keep in mind is that you want to go and meet your clients on their terms, on their preferred communication channel. As I'm sure Mike is about to tell you, for a lot of people, more and more of that is texting. With that Mike, I'm going to hand it over to you.
Mike Melis:
That's that's perfect, Garrick. I think you're exactly right. We share that same sentiment around text messaging, the data really shows that. We're going to jump into that in just a moment here. But just a little bit about Kenect before we jump in. We're a text messaging platform, as Garrick mentioned, that really is built to help law firms meet their clients where they are. Meet them where they are trying to communicate with you. What our platform really does are really four things very effectively. It helps you communicate, generate leads, even collect payments via text message, which for firms that collect retainers, things of that nature, it makes that process much simpler and much quicker. Also, driving online reviews. As you're managing those client relationships, you can leverage that for future business and to help manage your online reputation as well.
Mike Melis:
We have clients all over the US. I won't spend too much time here. We have clients, everything from very, very small firms up to large firms with hundreds of attorneys using Kenect to text and communicate with their clients. Before we jump into text messaging, I want to talk through just really quickly a couple of the other tried and true forms of communication that we've all used in the past that we're all seeing become a little less effective. Why is that happening?
Mike Melis:
When you think about the phone right now and think about your smartphone, the phone app on your smartphone is now the fifth most used app on your phone. If you talk to your teenagers and look at their smartphones, they may not even have it on the first page of their phone. This rising generation, your next segment of clients, they don't use the phone as much as those of us that have been around the block a few times do. Spam and robocalls are also complicating that communication channel as well. Some estimates suggest that about half of all calls to cell phones are spam calls. Inevitably, every time I'm doing one of these presentations, I'll usually get one or two spam phone calls that come through on my phone.
Mike Melis:
Why don't people answer their phone any longer? I think some of those things we just talked about affect that. Also, only 10% of us are willing to answer a phone call from a toll-free number. If you're using a toll-free number and your clients are seeing that, and it's not a number they recognize, they're probably not going to pick it up. 15% of us will pick up something outside of our area code. Less than 30% of us are going to pick up an unknown ... It's blocked or it's an unknown number.
Mike Melis:
Then just from a time perspective, everyone is short on time these days. It's really quick and easy to respond to a text message or an email. But a phone call, it's going to last, on average, more than two minutes. That's two minutes of your time, whether they answer the phone or not, to dial, leave a voicemail, all of the things that go along with that and then for them to respond to that as well. It's challenging. There's even technology out there now that is making it harder to reach your clients. Apple in iOS 13 added a feature that allows you to toggle one switch on that, essentially, if a number is not recognized, it will just go straight to voicemail. I'm sure Android has something similar to this. There's even technology that's making it harder to reach our clients.
Mike Melis:
Then if we think about email as well, we're all busy professionals, we all get some work to the tune of about 120 emails a day. The average open rate on emails has dropped below 20%. In some studies, they're showing 17%. Right now, about half of all email is spam. The way that email just is a very mature communication channel over time, it's crowded. It is being crowded out by a lot of noise, and response rates because of that have dipped to about 6%.
Mike Melis:
Today, we're going to talk about business texting and how that can actually increase revenue and better your communication with your clients. When we say business texting, a lot of people oftentimes think, "Oh, I don't really want to text with my clients over my personal number." You're exactly right. That is what we're advocating as well. We're not saying use your personal number, we're saying use a practice phone number and not your personal number to text with your clients and using a platform that allows you to message from any device, whether you're sitting in front of your PC at your desk, whether that's at the office or at home, using your mobile phone but using an app on that mobile phone, but sent from a practice number and not a personal number.
Mike Melis:
We talked a little bit about what Kenect does and what we do, but it's a two-way text messaging. We help facilitate web leads directly from your website, so start that text communication, right from your website. Collecting payments and helping manage your online reputation through text messaging as well. Here's why you should be thinking about text messaging. Then Garrick alluded to this at the beginning. It really truly is where your clients are. This is Pew Research went out and did a survey of clients and found that 89% of your clients would prefer to interact with you over a text message rather than a phone call, which is a telling statistic.
Mike Melis:
Then more importantly, text messages get read. 98% of text messages get opened and 95% are read within three minutes. It's very timely communication. Messages, they are read. The channel is not as convoluted and complicated as email and phone. It's something that's ubiquitous. Every single one of your clients uses text messages in their daily routine. They're seven times more likely to respond to a text message versus you go out and spend the time to leave them a voicemail. They're seven times more likely to respond if you had sent them a text message. You want to meet them where they are, as Garrick mentioned. They want a different experience. They want to interact with you the way they interact with virtually every other aspect of their life using text messaging. It's a quick easy way for them to do that and for you to communicate with them as well.
Mike Melis:
If you think about text messaging in your practice, here's a couple of suggestions and the top ways that we see firms using text messaging in their day-to-day interactions with their clients. Starting at the basic level with simply scheduling consultation, sending appointment reminders is very easy. It's really a nice way to streamline your intake process as well. We'll show you in a moment, I've got a slide that talks through how your clients can interact with you, especially first-time relationships where they connect with you and you start that intake process right from the website using text messaging.
Mike Melis:
It's really quick and easy to send and receive case updates from clients via text message. You can even, as I mentioned, collect fees and send invoices. If you're using something like LA Pay right now, you can simply copy your LA Pay link directly into a text message and send it. Kenect got a direct functionality as well that you can just simply click one button and request payment. Texting is really a full-featured tool that allows you to send and receive photos, videos, PDFs, attachments. Everything you need to communicate back and forth with clients is already inherent in the platform.
Mike Melis:
Then generating reviews for your practice. Generating Google and Facebook reviews is really nicely facilitated through text messaging and also capturing more leads from your website, Facebook, Instagram. Speaking to those, if you're not thinking about or if you don't have a strategy around Facebook and Instagram, it's definitely something you should be thinking about. There are over a billion active users on those platforms. Having a tool that allows your clients to communicate with you through those platforms as well is important. With Kenect, we aggregate your text messages, your Facebook and Instagram messages directly into our platform, so you can easily allow your clients to reach out to you through those channels as well.
Mike Melis:
When I talk about gathering leads from your website, this is what we're talking about. This is just an example, something you may want to think about. As you can see here, there's a little Text Us widget on this firm's website. Effectively, what that does is that gives your clients, especially new clients that have found you and have made their way to your website, an easy way to communicate with you. Because sometimes going and filling out a contact form with 20 pieces of information or even reaching out via your phone and picking up the phone and making that call could be a little intimidating.
Mike Melis:
Texting us allows them to communicate with you in a way that's very simple and familiar. They simply click that button, and they they fill out name, telephone number, a little bit about, "Hey, what do you need help with," and they get an automated message back from you, and now you're texting with them on their phone. It's a really simple, easy transition. What that leads to is a large increase in leads that you're actually capturing on your website. Because oftentimes, you're getting that traffic, you're doing the work to get people to your site, but in many cases, capturing those leads and taking advantage of all that work that you've put into getting them to your site, it just doesn't happen. Giving them that really simple, easy way to interact is a nice way to do that.
Mike Melis:
This is what it looks like on the client side. When they click that Text Us Now button that you saw on the site there, in this case, this firm handles a few different areas of law that they can help with. They say, "Hey, where do you need help with?" Enter your your name, number, and a message and, all of a sudden, again, they get an automated message, and you're communicating with them. They're not stuck in front of their computer in front of a chat window or even if they're doing this over their phone, they're instantly in their text app.
Mike Melis:
They can text back and forth with you if they're at work or if they're going about their day. They aren't beholden to that device or that chat window that you think of when you think of chat sessions where it's, "Chat agent is joining, wait seven minutes." It's nothing like that. They get an instant text message, and you're now communicating with them in a way that's very familiar to them.
Mike Melis:
This is what it looks like on your side. On your side, you're seeing you and your team have a shared inbox that everybody can collaborate with. Oftentimes, there's folks that handle intake in the firms that we work with that are handling some of those initial conversations and sending follow-ups, things like, "Hey, tell us a little bit more about your case," and they're starting that engagement with new clients.
Mike Melis:
Then it may transition over to a paralegal attorney team that's handling it from there and scheduling the first consultation with the client and things of that nature. It just gives them visibility into those conversations. As the owner of the firm, you can keep an eye on what those conversations look like, rather than if you're texting now, if you and your employees are texting over personal devices, that information's all over the place and probably not making its way back into a central location where everybody's able to collaborate.
Mike Melis:
You do have the capability over a mobile app to have all that same functionality. That same inbox is right here. You can see and respond to messages from anywhere. If you're sitting in court, you're preparing, you're out and about, you're even in the office wandering in between meetings, you can respond and see all those incoming messages. By the way, this is that area where all the messages from Facebook pull in as well, so you can easily communicate and see those messages as well, right here in that inbox.
Mike Melis:
That mobile app gives you visibility to all those conversations. You can easily respond. There's really nice things like Quick Replies. For the items that you tend to see the responses that happen over and over again, things like what directions to the office or to the courthouse, or if you wanted to send them a request for a review, the templates that you use over and over again, you can just build and create templates. One of the buttons on there as well, you see that dollar sign there. It's for those that want to collect payments, that have the need to collect payments.
Mike Melis:
The traditional methodology of send an email or send a paper invoice and wait net 30 to get paid on that invoice, that's a long time to wait to get paid. Facilitating payments through text messaging is a really simple, easy way to do that. That actually decreases your days for AR dramatically. You can simply click a Payments icon, enter the amount. In this case, it's a retainer we're asking for. The client gets a text message on their phone. They click it, and this is what they see. They see your firm, the description of what is being requested, they fill out their information, and they pay you. Really simple, easy way to request payment over text as well. Text facilitates a lot of things, one of those being payments. Really simple, easy way to do that.
Mike Melis:
When you think about using text for payments, what are some of the reasons for that, and the reality is it dramatically reduces your accounts receivable. You get paid faster is really the main point there. You can collect any types of fees that you're requesting from your clients. You can collect flat fees for high-volume transactions, things like tickets, warrants, things of that nature. You can easily send out invoices. If you're using Kenect's platform, its next-day funding so those funds are available very quickly. Obviously, it's 100% secure and PCI-compliant.
Mike Melis:
For those that are looking for more than just the capability to use the Text to Pay functionality, which is a fantastic option, we also have a whole host of tools that are available for clients that are looking for a full payment suite. Everything from virtual terminals to payments on your website terminals, the whole host of tools you may need to actually round out all the payment options that you may find necessary for your practice as well.
Mike Melis:
I want to shift just a little bit here from texting into reviews. One of the items that texting really helps facilitate is the capability to generate a large number of reviews for your practice. You saw in the system before there's an inbox that allow you to see that shared inbox amongst all the messages that are coming in. The next tab over is Reviews. We pull in reviews from Google and Facebook so you can see all of your reviews, what's happening across those platforms. Texting is a really great way to facilitate garnering all those reviews and asking your clients for reviews and a simple way that takes friction out of the process for them.
Mike Melis:
Here's why if you aren't thinking about reviews, a lot of the firms that we talk to, they take an organic approach to reviews and they're hoping that they'll get great reviews and that their best clients will do the work to go out and create those reviews for them. The reality is most of us don't think about leaving positive reviews unless we're asked to help with that. Here's why they matter. 81% of your new clients are going to use reviews as a first step in choosing a firm. We have all been trained by Amazon to look at the number of stars on a particular product or service and look at the reviews before we select a solution. We do this with restaurants. We do this with purchases. Your clients are doing the same thing with you.
Mike Melis:
88% of your clients right now trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Online reviews are the new word of mouth. They're going out searching for you and looking at those reviews and they trust those as much as their friends and family. 87% won't consider you if you've got low reviews. If you don't have a strategy in place, as Garrick mentioned, part of managing the relationship over time is at the end, the fruit that that can bear is great reviews, which generates more new business for you in the future.
Mike Melis:
This page right here, when your new clients are trying to find a firm, trying to find you, there's a lot of time spent building out beautiful websites, doing SEO, doing a lot of things to hopefully drive people to your website. Harvard Business Review did a study and they found that this page here, so this is Google's Map Pack. When you go to Google and type in, in this case, we're looking for personal injury firms in South Carolina, this is what pops up. This is seen 500% more than your website.
Mike Melis:
According to Harvard, a one star increase can equate to a 5% to 9% increase in revenue. That firm right there, Goings Law Firm is probably going to get the click there because of the number of reviews they have. They're on the top. They've got the most reviews. They've got a large number of reviews because they're standing out, because they've done the work to ask for those reviews. What customers are looking for in reviews is a few things. It's all the same things you think about when you go about any purchasing decision or evaluation around a new service.
Mike Melis:
It's the quality. They're looking for hopefully five star reviews. They're looking for recency. If it's older than 90 days, 73% of clients are going to disregard reviews. It's an ongoing pursuit to have reviews, have recent reviews, and then as well, quantity. The research has shown that a minimum of 50 reviews is really necessary to be deemed credible. Under that, most of us tend to attribute the reviews to friends and family, and we think if you've got 10 reviews, most of the folks that are looking at you are thinking, "Oh, that's friends and family, that's great." 50 is necessary, about 150 is ideal. Quantity definitely drives conversion rate.
Mike Melis:
Then lastly, responding to reviews is really important. Beyond looking at the number of stars, responses are the first thing that buyers read. It gives them a sense of how you interact with current and previous relationships and also just gives them a sense of how the relationship might go if they choose you. Definitely, good or bad, responding to reviews is an important part of the process as you're managing your online reputation and managing your reviews.
Mike Melis:
Inside of Kenect, so using text messaging to solicit reviews from your clients is a really great way to do it. It takes friction out of the process. In Kenect, you click the little star icon, you click the Request Review function and it just sends them an automated text message. In this case, it's saying, "Hey, Adam, it was pleasure to work with you. We would love if you would leave us a review." It's got your logo. It then takes them to a selection site where they can select Google or Facebook to leave a review for you.
Mike Melis:
If they've logged in to either those systems, Google or Facebook on their phone, it's just going to take them directly right in here, in this case it's Google, where they simply select. It will automatically log them in. In this case, Adam's leaving a review for us here, so he can just simply select the number of stars and leave a sentence or a paragraph about your firm. Again, without much effort, he's able to leave you a review.
Mike Melis:
As I mentioned, quite a few firms that we worked with in the past are hoping for the best with reviews. They're hoping that their best clients will take the time to go out and do that, and the resounding answer is that, without some prodding, without you asking them, they're probably not going to do that. If you're taking that organic approach, the folks that probably will leave you reviews without prodding are those that maybe didn't have the best experience, because it has been statistically proven that people are more likely to leave a negative review than they are a positive if you're just leaving it to the folks, your clients, to leave reviews for you. You're probably going to end up with negative reviews versus positive.
Mike Melis:
You want your best clients to speak for you. Really, the goal there, what we tend to suggest is having a process. Number one, taking control of that process, taking control of your online reputation, and not letting your angry or unhappy clients determine your online reputation. Let your great clients build that and create that for you. Having a repeatable process is really key to having success with this. Finding a point in your process where it makes sense, where it feels natural to ask your clients for reviews, it's at some point where there's a positive interaction with the client.
Mike Melis:
Oftentimes, our clients at the end, they've settled a case, they won a case, they settled the matter is obviously a great point, but there may be others in your process where you determine, "Hey, this is actually a really great spot to ask for review." It's just as simple as, "Hey, would you mind if I sent you a text message that would allow you to leave us a review? Great." Then you click a button inside of the application, send them that review request.
Mike Melis:
That's actually 35 times more effective than email at collecting reviews because a lot of firms, at some point in the process, they may be asking for reviews and if they are, they're typically doing that by email. Text messaging is 35 times more effective at actually getting your clients to do the work there, to actually leave you a review. Then lastly, respond and start using those reviews. Once you're starting to see those positive reviews come in, use them. Use them on your website, in ads. Allow your clients to connect with you, and then utilize those in your process and on your website.
Mike Melis:
A couple things just to summarize a little bit here. A couple of the impacts that text messaging can have on your firm. We talked a little bit about the use cases but in the end, how does it impact your firm? How does it impact you and your staff and your business? How does it increase revenue? How does it save my staff time? There's a couple things. Most of the firms that we work with that start using text messaging see about a 260% increase in leads from their website.
Mike Melis:
Again, I think that's largely attributed to the fact that filling out a Contact Us form or reaching out via telephone can sometimes be a little intimidating, and allowing them to text really allows you to capture that lead, capture that interest on your site and start that conversion process, start that intake process. It dramatically decreases the number of voicemails left for you and your staff because you can easily, with text messaging, get back and forth with clients to get those simple answers that sometimes require back and forth phone tag to get to the client.
Mike Melis:
With text messaging, you're getting straight to them, they're getting straight to you. Most of the firms we work with save paralegals and staff up to about 45 minutes a day and, oftentimes, that is just purely they are responding to and leaving less voicemails. It's really easy, again, to get that messaging out to clients. If you're using payments, most of the firms that we work with are seeing payment within 48 hours on 59% of the requests that they're making via text message. That's a really effective way to actually decrease your days in AR. Then a huge increase in online reviews in the first three to six months of using and requesting reviews via text message, so huge impact. Text messaging can make a really big impact in a lot of areas of your practice and of your firm.
Mike Melis:
We've talked a little bit about what Kenect does and how texting can impact your business there but, really, there's a few areas that stand out. It's generating leads, standing out in the marketplace using online reviews. It allows you to keep a written record of text communication as well. We have some really great integration partners out there in the marketplace, most of the well-known case management systems we're connected with. I'll show you that in just a moment.
Mike Melis:
Oftentimes, that written record of text communication can actually flow into your case management system as well. It just allows for really great communication. Allows you to send lots of different communication back and forth with your clients, facilitate that communication very easily. You're doing that all from a central business line and not dispersed communications over your personal cell number, and maybe your staff or your paralegal is texting the clients as well. It's all in one really nice platform that everybody can communicate on.
Mike Melis:
Here's a few of the systems that we're connected with. We're adding systems all the time. Actually, we have a few more. Litify is one we're adding. Rocket Matter is one that we're in the process with as well. We're constantly adding new partners. Every month, there's a few new integrations that we're working on. When we're integrated with systems like Clio, Filevine, Panther, Rocket Matter, all of your contacts sync back and forth between the systems and as well, that history, all that rich history of all that communication and messaging with clients shows back up in your case management system as well. You've got all that documented and as part of the client file.
Mike Melis:
Really, the goal of text messaging, I think, is to really help grow your business, help grow your firm, allow you to attract more clients, generate reviews easily, and just make your operations more efficient, give your staff back some of their time and, in most cases, about 45 minutes a day of wasted time with inefficient communication, and then increasing your conversion rate. All the folks that you're driving to that website, it really helps with that intake and that conversion process.
Mike Melis:
I think at the beginning, there is a question functionality within GoToWebinar. If you have questions, we do have a few that have popped in here. If you have questions, feel free to leave them. We're going to, I think, transition here to ... We want to leave a little bit of time here at the end for some questions. Got our contact information there as well. If there are questions, feel free to use that question panel inside of the GoToWebinar functionality and we're happy to answer those questions.
Mike Melis:
One of the questions I see here is, if I send a bill, can the client pay less than the full amount of the bill? Let me see the rest of that question. Hang on one sec. I'm seeing part of it. Hang on. For hourly fees or set fees, I think, something to that effect. I think the answer, I'm not sure specifically. If you put a specific amount in there, I don't think they can adjust that amount, but I think that you can adjust that on your site, is the answer to that question.
Mike Melis:
I think as well, if you're using something like LA Pay, I think you can simply send the link using their system. That's just a payment link that they could pay whatever you allow on that in their system. I think there's a couple. The answer is yes on our site, I think you've got to set that payment amount upfront. Any questions? Any other questions? Feel free to drop those in there.
Garrick Pursley:
Mike, I've got one for you.
Mike Melis:
Garrick Pursley:
I know a lot of folks who would be interested in being able to send out a retainer by text that can be viewed by the client and signed by simply clicking on a signature line in the text and returning it. I imagine, you talked about integrations with PracticePanther and Clio, et cetera, that it might also be of some interest to be able to send out declarations that need to be signed by the client or other documents that need to be signed and returned and having those feed right back into the client's file in the file management system. I think people would like that. What's your take on that? Is that something that's coming down the pike?
Mike Melis:
Yeah, that's a great question. That is a question we have been asked quite a few times in the recent months. We don't have an e-signature functionality at the moment. It is in our top three on our development roadmap. It is something that will be added very shortly here. I don't know the full details of what that will look like, whether it will be an integration with something like DocuSign or something that we are building out on our own, but the answer is yes, it is something forthcoming for sure.
Mike Melis:
Yeah. I think just to your point there, Garrick, is yes, it will allow you to send out things like declarations or documents that you need a client to sign, whether it's part of your intake process or throughout the relationship where you need their signature on a specific form or document. It will allow you to easily do that, send it out. They click Sign and send it back.
Garrick Pursley:
Great. Right. You've mentioned there's a top three. What are a couple of the other things that you're working on?
Mike Melis:
That is a great question. I don't have the full roadmap in front of me here, but I do know just based on a meeting that we had a company meeting the other day and the team was allowed to vote on. Everybody put out best ideas that they were hearing from clients, and we love client feedback. That was one of them. Off the top of my head, I can't think of the others. I do know that signatures was an important piece there.
Garrick Pursley:
That's great to know. Obviously, the most important benefits are the ones that you talked about on the relationship management side and being able to give clients what they want in terms of communication. I can see anyway the use of text expanding even further to allow a lot of the things that we currently have to do by email or even, heaven forbid, by standard mail once we [crosstalk 00:50:11]. I think that will signal the final death knell of the Blackberry culture.
Mike Melis:
Garrick Pursley:
Or other ones who could do that by text.
Mike Melis:
Garrick Pursley:
We still have a few minutes, so if anybody wants to pop any more questions in the chat, we'll address those. In the meantime, I just want to mention a couple of things by way of wrapping up. Again, our contact information is right here. You can get ahold of Mike at his number. You can call me, send me an email. Our learning division, De Novo Learning, has a Facebook group that's very active. If you want to click on that link and ask to join, I will admit you to the Facebook group and you can see our newsfeed and updates and more events. Soon enough, more events with Kenect. Invitations for those, et cetera, are available in there.
Garrick Pursley:
The other thing I want to mention is De Novo Review currently has a full promotion. If you want to give me a call, we can provide you with five hours of legal research or drafting or both by one of our top attorneys for $249 which breaks down to, of course, less than $50 an hour. It's a pretty good deal and a good way to get started. If you are thinking of starting to delegate some of your work to contract attorneys, this is a good way to get familiar with that process and get familiar with the way we work and get to know some of the folks on our bench and get a really solid project completed. Give me a call at that number or shoot me an email if you're interested in that and we'll set you up.
Mike Melis:
Yeah. Yeah, I appreciate that. That's fantastic. I think from Kenect's standpoint, if you have even any questions just around, "Hey, how can I incorporate text," or something around reviews or payments, if there's anything that we can be helpful with, feel free to give us a text or call us there. You can reach out to me personally there. We would love to help out in any way that we can. Yeah. It's definitely been a pleasure being on with you all today. We definitely appreciate everyone jumping on and giving us a few minutes of your time today.
Garrick Pursley:
All right. Well, thanks everybody so much for your time today and be on the lookout for our next event.
Mike Melis:
Thank you all.