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Kenect Employees Deliver Big on Food Drive

Behind The Scenes
3 min. read

Kenect is always looking for ways to help out the local community, especially while many families are struggling, and this month employees responded in a big way to our food drive.

In the past year, Kenect has done may things to help the community. Now, as we continue to grow as a company, so do the opportunities to help give back.

The need for food has grown in recent months, and Kenect employees wanted to do something about it. We have done drives like this in the past, but never to this scale.

This was the first official company food drive, organized by our very own Director of Event Marketing, Chelsea Ericksen. The office was split into two team, trying to see who could bring in the most items in just one week. Safe to say the turnout was great!

People who were in the office dropped off items, and those who work remote were able to contribute funds to help buy more items. In all, more than $1000 worth of donated goods were gathered. Items included things like snacks, canned goods, and even hygiene products.

On Thursday, members of our staff loaded up our cars and delivered all the items to Tabitha’s Way, a local food pantry.

There, they helped sort all everything, putting stuff on shelves for easy access for those in need. We also were able to walk around the facility, taking a look at their stock and how they are helping the community.

In addition to helping the pantry with items, members of our staff also helped hand out items to people who came in. One of Kenect’s Business Development Executives, Trevor Allred, volunteered with the delivery and said it was an amazing experience.

“The food panty was VERY grateful for the generous contributions from our company yesterday,” said Allred. “Plus, we were able to take a few minutes to help fill food orders for needy families who were lined up in the parking lot. What a great experience. Again, a BIG thank you to Chelsea for organizing this event. And, again, a BIG thank you to all who participated via donation. Let’s Double the donations and volunteers next time!”

As Kenect keeps growing, we are finding more ways to get employees involved in the community. This year’s food drive looks to be the start of an annual tradition.

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