People don't like to get phone calls, they don't like to receive phone calls, they don't like to make phone calls, they don't like to get voice message ... Voicemails. They want to text. That's how we communicate with one another, and that's how we want to communicate with businesses and law firms as well. Additionally, 96% of clients said they find phone calls to be disruptive. We've all been there where you're playing phone tag with a client, can't quite get through, it's an issue. So how do firms use Kenect? And then we'll jump right into the presentation. First to schedule consultations and send appointment reminders. So this is easily done via text more easily than a phone call.
It streamlined your intake process because of those integrations. So most law firms will actually get Kenect initially because it helps their intake process. So that's one of the reasons people use Kenect and as I said, reviews. This is how the text messaging inbox looks, so you can send and receive texts. All right.
Online Reviews
Let's jump right into reviews. So why do reviews matter? 93% of clients say to use reviews as the first step in choosing a law firm. That is a much larger number I think than a lot of law firms that we initially speak with anticipate. 91% say they trust online reviews as much as they trust personal recommendations. And that's shocking to me, frankly.
93% of clients say to use reviews as the first step in choosing a law firm.
And then 87% say they won't even consider a law firm with low online ratings. So this is becoming the most important element of your marketing, is reviews. So why do they matter so much? There's a couple of reasons. First is obviously as they read through them, they're going to be able to see if you're good or not from the perspective of the reviewer. But perhaps most importantly, the number and the quality of your reviews and ratings determine where Google places you when someone searches for law firms in your area. So this listing, the Google map pack or the Google local listings, are entirely determined by star rating and number of reviews.
They're not even going to get to the point where they are reading the reviews if you don't have good ones to begin with, because they're not going to see your firm if you're not on the top three. So 82% of consumers say they won't even look at a law firm with less than three reviews. The other thing that's really interesting here, is this first bullet point, which is 500% more people are going to see this listing, just this listing than will ever see your website, which you probably spent thousands of dollars on. Right? So that matters a lot. And then the other thing that's really interesting that's not on the slide but I'll just mention it, the first two listings here on the Google map pack review or the Google local listing, get about 91% of the clicks.
So George Sink seems like a great guy, I'm sure he's fantastic. He's getting 9% of the clicks or less. These two folks at the top are getting the vast majority 90 plus percent of the clicks. So what do potential clients want to see in your reviews? First, they want to see quantity. They want to see that you've got enough clients that you're able to have a significant number of reviews. Google says that 50 reviews is necessary in order to rank, 150 is ideal. They also say they disregard older reviews, they don't even read them. Now, this is interesting for obvious reasons. Right? People want to see new reviews, but here's what's most important about that.
Consistent Reviews
Most law firms that we talk to will initially say, "Okay, you know what we're going to do, we're going to do review blitz. We only have like 30 reviews. So we're going to spend the month of March and we're going to get 80 reviews." And everybody at the law firm leaves a review themselves, and they have their spouses leave a review, and their kids leave a review, and their neighbors, and their parents. And pretty soon you've got eight 80 reviews in March. Great, you did a blitz. Here's the two issues. Number one, is you didn't actually solve the problem because you're still going to have old reviews nine months from now.
And second, you didn't solve the problem because Google will eventually see this as unnatural behavior and unnatural reviews, and so they'll realize that they're probably related to you. So those two things are issues if you just go with the, "Hey, we're going to blitz this review process here." All right. Let's talk about the keys to dealing with bad reviews, and then we're going to talk about what to do when you ... Or how to get more reviews. Okay? We're going to hit both. We're already getting great questions. So let's just take a few questions now. Keep them coming, we'll take them all before we're done, don't worry. We'll be hitting how to address reviews on Yelp.
This presentation is mostly about Google Andy, good question. The same principles apply though. So I still think it'll be useful, but this presentation is specifically about Google. Yep, we're talking about bad reviews Maggie. What's the ideal review score? The higher the better. 5.0 is believable and is important. Right? So not everybody's going to get it, the larger the firm the more reviews you get, the lease ... Less likely you're going to get a five. So people get that. But yeah, I mean look, the higher the better, but five's probably not realistic in many cases, but in some it is. All right. So how common are bad reviews? I want to do a mini poll question here in the questionnaire area.
Negative Reviews
Most law firms on average when we start working with them, when they start using the Kenect software, have about one in 50 reviews are negative, one in 50. Is that higher or lower that ratio than your firm? In other words, are you doing better or worse than that? Just type that into the question area, and I'm interested. So one in 50 is about average. Certain practice areas are going to have more. Family law for example will have probably a little more than one out of every 50 will be negative. Personal injury will have about that. A state planning will have far less than that, for example. So one in 50 is the average.
Most people are saying they have more than that, some are saying they're doing a little better. Someone says worse, we don't have 50 we have one bad review with just one star. okay, so this is good. So that's how common they are. It's about one in 50. So you can gauge whether or not you're doing better or worse than that. Tips for avoiding bad reviews. This is really, really interesting I think. So there's a ton of research done by Clio about this. And as I mentioned at the outset, we're integrated with Clio. And essentially what they found was that, of course, people are going to leave you negative reviews, almost no matter what. Right.
Somebody is always going to think you've got a dumb attorney who didn't do their job, or they're mad about the case resolution or whatever it is. So that's always going to happen, there's no question about it. But Clio found, and our data indicates this as well, that the number of people who are leaving negative reviews could actually go down if you communicated with your clients better. So what they found was that the majority of reviews that were actually left that were negative were more about client communication than case resolution. So here's what I mean. Again, you're not going to be able to get rid of 100% of negative reviews, people are always going to be mad about how the case turned out in some cases. Right? But what you can always do is communicate better.
So your client's not going to be mad if a hearing date moves, what they will be mad about is if you didn't tell them the hearing date was going to move. They're always going to be a little annoyed if they need a ton of ... If you need a ton of paperwork from them, but they will be very annoyed and leave you a negative review if you didn't tell them about the amount of paperwork they were going to need to provide, the proof of whereabouts or receipts, or things like that. And what Clio found, and again our data confirms this is that, if the firm had communicated more effectively with their clients throughout the process, many negative reviews could have been eliminated or avoided altogether.
So we now we're bias, we're a texting platform. We believe texting is the best way to communicate with your clients for a couple of reasons. Number one is, people always respond. It doesn't matter if they're in a meeting, it doesn't matter if they're at dinner, they're going to respond to your texts and they're going to see it. Whereas a phone call, you might play phone tag for two days then you might give up and then try two days later, and pretty soon you're a day before the hearing. Texting you don't have that issue. The second issue is, you definitely have it in writing. So you can actually point back to the thread and say, "No, we did tell you that hearing was going to be delayed actually."
Because it's in writing, you texted it to them. So make sure you're texting about hearing dates, make sure you're texting about deadlines being moved, make sure you're texting precisely what you need from them in term of documents and information. So communicating more efficiently and effectively could eliminate 40% roughly of all negative reviews. And I'm seeing people comment and say, "Yep, that's right. Absolutely." All right. So when you get a bad review, what should you not do? It takes every ounce of strength in your body not to do this, but don't do it. Your natural tendency is going to be to light your keyboard on fire with rage as you reply. Right?
Responding to Negative Reviews
As you reply to that negative review explaining why they're wrong, explaining why they're not understanding the situation, explaining why they're misunderstanding how you handled the case. Your attorneys are not dumb. Right? You just want to hammer them in your reply to the negative review. Don't do that. It doesn't do any good. Remember this, your audience when you reply to that negative review and you should reply to, is not the person who left the negative review. That ship, my friends has sailed. Your audience for that negative review is the 5,000 people that month who are going to read that review and that ... Your response. That's your audience.
So that's really important to remember, that your reply is going ... Your audience for the reply that people who are going to read the review, not the person who left it. So what should you say? What should you do when you get a bad review? That's going to bullet point for, what to do when you get a bad review. One more thing on not I should say, so don't leave a cranky reply. That's difficult? Totally get it. The other thing you should not do generally, and mostly because it'll just waste your time, is ask Google to take down a negative review. They very rarely will take down a negative review, almost never.
The only instances in which Google will take down and remove a negative review, are number one, is if the review is blatantly threatening, harassing racist, just terrible threatening, whatever. They'll take a review down in that situation. But generally they won't. So it's just a waste of time for you to ask them. You're going to go through a two week process with Google and you'll be frustrated because you haven't heard back. It's going to waste your time and be in the [inaudible 00:18:16]. So I wouldn't even ask unless they are blatantly harassing, calling you names, that kind of stuff. But if they just jump on and say, "Yeah, they're attorneys are morons, they screwed me up. Now I'm in this situation because of them. They're a terrible firm."
They're not going to take it down. There's no need to ask. So I wouldn't ask Google to take it down number one. And then the other thing not to do, is leave that angry reply. You want to look as the professional competent one. So what should you do when you get a negative review? What should you immediately do? Number one is, you need to get to the bottom of it internally. What happened? Does anybody remember this client and the situation? Go and look at the notes in your practice management system. Go look at texts reads you had with them within Kenect, which will sync to your practice management system. So again, figure out what happened then reply and say something like, "Man, that sounds..." Empathize. Right?
"That sounds terrible. Sorry you had that situation. My name is whoever and I am one of the partners, here's my personal number." Or if you don't want to leave that, which I totally get, "Here's our firm number, and because you use Kenect it's textable. So you can just text me on that number and I'll reply and handle this directly because we want to make it right." Now, is that person ever going to text you? 90% of the time they're not. You never going to have to worry about it. But here's what just happened, you look like the professional, empathetic, competent law firm. Someone was screaming crazy stuff at you on Google and you just replied competently, professionally and calmly. That is all you need to do.
Remember your audience is not the person who left the review, your audience are the people who read the reply. That's really important. The second thing or the third thing I guess, that you should do when you get a bad review is see if there's anything you can from it. So maybe they're right. Maybe they're right in certain situations. I'd have some introspection about it, because it could, especially if you start to see a pattern, it could help you improve things at your firm. All right. So the key is the fifth thing here and this is, I cannot stress this enough, the real key to all this, you can follow all four steps that I've given you above, and you're still going to have some issues.
Remember your audience is not the person who left the review, your audience are the people who read the reply.
Generating Positive Reviews
The key really is to bury bad reviews with good ones. Because here's what most firms do. Most firms just get annoyed when someone leaves a bad review, but aren't terribly proactive at getting good ones. Right? They just wait for some angry person to leave a negative review and then not worry about the positive ones. Because you have a lot of happy clients. The problem is you've never really asked them to leave a review. So how do you do that? There's a three-step process here on how you get more reviews and this is important. Number one is, have an internal process. There needs to be an internal process. And here's what I mean by that. There has to be a point in your ... In the entire life and arc of a case where you ask for the review.
For some firms, it is right after the positive case resolution. So after the person is the most happy they've ever been at your firm you ask. At some firms, it is after everything is done, after they've paid their bill and the case is resolved. For other firms they actually say, "You know what, we're going to do during the process before the case is resolved." Because there's always a point in the process where the client's really happy with the law firm. Right? Maybe it's after a really great hearing. Maybe it's after some really great information from the opposing attorney. Maybe it's after something a judge said in a courtroom where they're really happy.
At that point asked for a review. Right? So it doesn't really matter when they're ... When you ask in the process, but you've got to have an internal process for it. And people have to know this process. I would recommend writing it down like, "Okay, when do we ask for reviews?" Second, have an internal owner. This is vitally important. You've got to have somebody who's in charge of this. Depending on the size of your firm, this could be your partner. Right? If you've got three attorneys. This could be an internal marketing person, if you're a bigger. This could be an office manager. This could be a paralegal. It could be the attorney on the case.
There is no right answer that's really customizable for your firm, but you've got to have somebody whose job it is for five hours a week to get reviews. And then perhaps most importantly associated with that is compensate them for it. If it's the office manager and this person's job is to get 30 reviews a month, pay that person $500 extra a month if they get 30 reviews. Right? That is a really important job, and maybe the most important thing they could do for getting new clients, you've got to compensate them for it. Throw in a $300 bonus, a $500 bonus, an Amazon gift card if they get 30 reviews every month. That's really important.
So I'm curious in the question area type in if you would, who is in charge of getting reviews at your firm today? And it's okay if the answer is nobody right now. That's why you're on the webinar is to hopefully fix that. Right? So who's in charge of doing it at your firm today? And people are saying, I am, I am. What are your roles? Office manager, okay. Attorney handling the case, secretary, the attorney handling the case. No, one's really in charge, but mostly attorney handling the case. Intake specialist, good. Marketing manager. I am at asks for good review and speaking with the client, associate attorney. Okay, good. So it's all over the board. And like I said, there's really no right answer here.
Just make sure somebody knows they're in charge of it. Right? Make sure somebody knows that that's their job or part of their job. Right? Now, there is a process we recommend. So what most firms do when they ask for a review is they will just either A, mention it in person or on the phone now with somebody who is leaving the office or whatever. They'll be like, "Hey, just leave us a review a review." That doesn't work, people never remember. They'll just not do it. Second thing they do that's more common is they'll send like a post interaction surveys. So after everything's over, they'll send an email that has a survey, and in that email they'll say, "Hey, also leave us a review."
Request Reviews via Text Message
Did you know that the average for the industry, for the amount of time people that receive that email actually will leave you a review is about 0.8%. So to review percentages from my public school education. Right? If you have a hundred clients, less than one of them is going to leave you a review that you ask, if you send them an email. So here's what we recommend strongly.
Number one is, send a text. So you can do this within Kenect. You can customize this, you can make it your own with your own logo so it's from your firm. You can customize this text here and create multiple templates for asking for reviews. So this is totally customizable. And then once it's templatized, which takes five minutes, you can then just put in their phone number and send the text.
They then receive this text and click on one of these two websites. 89% of phones in the US and Canada are logged into Google and Facebook at all times. So they don't even need to login to anything, they just click the button. Then right here, they leave the review. They leave the star rating, they leave the review with their thumbs and they're done. Now here's the key. Remember how I said that emails produced about 0.8% response rate when you ask for a review? This methodology produces about 35% reviews when you ask for it. So again, 35 times to 40 times more effective than email at collecting reviews if you go to bullet point number three here.
89% of phones in the US and Canada are logged into Google and Facebook at all times.
So that's why we recommend that process. Again, if you just ask them like, "Hey, leave us a review." They're not going to do it ever. And if you send them an email, they're going to do it less than 1% of the time at most law firms. So texting is the best way to do this. So what's your process here? Like I said, take control. Don't let angry clients determine your online reputation, get your great clients to leave reviews. This is so important. So many firms are just like, "Man, we got another negative review. What are we going to do?" And they don't try to get good reviews. So they don't try to get good reviews as aggressively as they should. Be aggressive about this.
You've got good clients, you've got clients that love you, ask all of them for reviews in a text message and following the process we outlined. Number two is build a repeatable process. Find a point in that process where you can easily ask happy clients for reviews, and then as I said, have an owner of that process. Number three, use Kenect text messaging, not email. We talked about this, the data bears it out. it's critical. And number four, respond to every review and use five star reviews on your website and your ads and at your office. So most law firms don't really do this effectively, they'll get a bunch of good reviews and then they'll never use them anywhere.
Take those directly, you don't need Google's permission they're your reviews. Print out big posters and throw them in your lobby for heck sake. Use them in your radio ads and your print ads and your Facebook ads and all your ads, use these reviews. People love you, make sure everybody knows it. Really important. All right. Great questions coming in. We're going to talk about them all. I wanted to share this last thing, just the case study about Kenect. This is a firm, Carey Leisure & Neal, they started using Kenect to help with their intake, because so many people like texting and inbound texting, and those integrate directly to your practice management and software.
But then what they found, if you go down here to the bottom right-hand corner, is that they started using Kenect video chat, which we didn't even talk about, a lot quicker and easier than Zoom. You would still use Zoom if you want. 82% increase in Google reviews in just three months. They're also texting and responding to clients and prospective clients. So again, it's a really good tool a lot of law firms love it. Okay. Let's jump into the questions. Excuse me, I cut there. I tried to mute in time, but didn't [inaudible 00:28:38] again. All right. Let's read through these questions and take them and keep them coming. This is good.
All right. How do you handle a review that States something completely false, such as the judge reprimanded my attorney or something like that? That's a good question Brian, the other one we get a ton is like, what if the reviewer isn't a client clearly, they're either another firm who opposes me a lot, or they're clients of the opposing counsel, right, Who's mad that they didn't win the case? So what do you do in those situations? So let's take each one. If they say something that's just blatantly false like, "The judge reprimanded my attorney." And they were your client they just said something false.
Again, Google is not going to take it down because they don't know if it's false, and they have no interest in figuring it out frankly. And even if they wanted to, how could they? Right? But what you can do is in your reply, say, "Man, I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. But again, we don't believe that happened to the attorney or the judge reprimanding your attorney. But again, thank you for the review, and it was really a pleasure to work with you." That's all. That's all you need to do. And then they might blow the ... They might reply to your reply and come on hinge. That's fine. You replied, you clarified the facts, that's all you can do.
If it's an opposing firm, we've had that before especially in personal injury cases, and in some family law cases. We have gotten the question, well, what do we do if the opposing firm leaves a negative review about us? That depending on your state can actually be an ethics violation with your bar association. So if you can confirm it's the opposing firm, you can say that in the reply ... Again be respectful, but there's nothing wrong with pointing out facts. But you can go to your bar associates say, "They're literally leaving negative reviews about us as if they were a client." That's in I'd say 80% of States, maybe more an ethical violation for their firm.
So there's nothing wrong with going that route. The other thing that we see a lot in family law cases is the opposing side leaving a negative review about your firm. Right? You're dealing with really personal stuff, they're mad that they lost. I would go on and be empathetic, but point out that they weren't your client. Say, "Man, I'm sorry you had this bad experience, but looking through our record that doesn't appear that we were your client. I actually think we may have been on opposing sides in a case recently. But thank you for your review and we hope to work with you at some point." Whatever, but just point out they're not your client, you can do that.
Good questions. Does it matter if your reviewer does a lot of reviews for Google? What if the reviewer has only reviewed you and three other people? So a good question. It still counts as the same, one review is one review on ... For your firm, regardless of how many other reviews that person has left. Google has not been super clear about whether that is a big part of their algorithm, whether the person's an influencer or not. So I would proceed with the notion that all reviewers are created equal. In some cases, I will actually place more credence on someone who's left only one or two reviews than someone who's left a hundred.
If somebody is a professional reviewer of burrito joints in town here, to me it's like, okay, they're probably a little overly critical or overly concerned about their burrito. But if there's one person who left a crazy negative review and they've never left a Google review before, they just were so upset by this burrito that they'll leave one, that's a red flag for me. I'll probably go elsewhere for my burrito needs. So again, I wouldn't worry too much about that at all Brian. That's a good question though. Let's see, what if we did not reply to any new reviews, do we respond now months later? That's a good question, we get that one a lot Scott.
I try to reply to the positive ones is the answer to the question. I don't think I would go back six months and reply to negative reviews, I would let those sleeping dogs lie if you will. But I think I would go back and reply to the positive ones for sure. Now if they're six weeks, three months old, I'd reply to all of them. But if there's like some crazy person who left a review 13 months ago, I wouldn't go back to that. Just let the rage subside. Leslie, how does one enter a review on Google? When I Google my name, I get ad on LinkedIn and other sources. So that probably means Leslie that you don't have ... So how do you enter a review as a reviewer or how do you see the reviews for your firm?
So I'll answer both questions because I'm not sure which one you're asking. How do you enter a review on Google? You just have to have a Gmail account and then if you follow the process, the person if they have a Gmail account will just leave it right here within the Kenect app. They just send a text ... They just receive a text rather that says this, they click on that link, boom, boom, leave the review. So that's how they would leave a review, all you need is a Gmail account. If you're asking how you see the reviews for your firm and you can't find it, you would probably need to claim your Google listing. You can Google how to do this.
How do you claim your Google local listing? And you've just got to make sure your address is right and make sure that you have a legitimate website and phone number and that kind of stuff, and then Google will create a listing for you where people can leave reviews. Good question. So some clients, especially in family law, they don't want to publicize their name and that's why they don't want to leave a Google review. Is there a way for them to post anonymously on Google? Yes, there is. So people can create any Gmail they want. Right? So, I have my main Gmail address and then I have a fake one if you will, where I sign up for random stuff and I don't want to get spammed on my main email address. Right?
So I'll sign up for white papers and all sorts of stuff from companies and random deals and coupons and stuff. Right? And that's my spam one. That's how I leave anonymous reviews and how somebody could. And again, I understand too with family law, people may want to be sensitive to this. So this language here could say something like, "Hi Adam, it's been a pleasure working with you. Please leave us an anonymous review with the link below." Or, "Please leave a short review." Right? So they don't need to worry about like, "Oh man, I don't really want everybody to know I just went through a divorce on Google." Another question about would you go back to and respond to reviews that are not from clients?
Yeah. If they're negative I would go back and respond to those. And just be respectful, be empathetic, but point out like, "Dang, it doesn't look like you're..." Just don't go on and be like, "You're not a client, your review is dumb. You're an idiot." Just say, "Hey, I'm sorry you have that experience, I get that this whole process has been frustrating. But looking through our record it doesn't look like you've ever been a client of our firm. Here's the firm's phone number, you can text me directly on it and I'll respond and we can figure this out." And they're never going to respond because they know they're not a client. It's a good question.
"Hey, I'm sorry you have that experience, I get that this whole process has been frustrating. But looking through our record it doesn't look like you've ever been a client of our firm. Here's the firm's phone number, you can text me directly on it and I'll respond and we can figure this out."
So that's what I would do to answer your question Russell. What if you ... Someone leaves a bad review and you respond and then they keep responding back, engaging you again and again? So I wouldn't respond over and over and over again. Some people may disagree with me, this is a subjective thing. Right? But I wouldn't. I wouldn't just keep going back and responding again and again and again and again if they keep being negative. That's just going to be an online argument thread. I would just respond professionally, one be very clear in your response and then let it go. People are going to see very quickly who the crazy one is. And that's all you care about honestly.
I'm done being totally serious. The 5,000 people who read that thing a month are going to be like, "Oh, this is a crazy person. And this attorney really empathetic and professional and handled this great." Awesome. We've had one that leaves a bad review every time we attempt collections on them. Amber, do they leave it with a different Gmail address each time or do they leave the same ... Could someone reading it see that they're the same person? That's the question I would ask. So there's a certain point that you actually have to weigh ... They use the same one. Okay. Someone could see that they're the same person, I would just point that out.
That is an instance where I probably would go to Google and say, "Hey, listen, this person continues to leave a review about payments each time. Can we at least combine their review into one thread, so it doesn't look like we have 30 out of 50 negative reviews when it's just the same darn person?" The other thing that you should do Amber, and I don't know how big of a bill they owe you, so this is not my call. I don't know the information. Right? I think there's a point at which you have to ask yourself, is it worth it to try to get the money if they're going to leave a negative review every time? Right?
If it's $300, if it's $1,800, if it's whatever, whatever that threshold is for your firm and the size of your firm, I think you've got to ask yourself, "Okay, are we just going to let this go so this moron quits leaving us negative reviews?" There's a point at which you'll probably do that. You said it's a high number. So yeah, maybe not. So I'd probably go after him for that number too Amber. But yeah, so that's up to you in your situation. If someone owes you 800 bucks, I'd probably just let the thing go as opposed to getting a bunch of negative reviews. But I would go to Google and see if they could combine them into a thread.
They're not going to take it down, but they might combine them into a single thread so the person ... It doesn't show 30 out of all your 50 reviews are bad and it's just the same stupid person. Let's see, can you leave a review for LinkedIn? Not really, for businesses you can comment and stuff, but not like this. Someone says this ... Reviews allow people to bully businesses online. Yeah, that's probably true. I think that's true. I think Google would say, "Look, it all comes out in the wash because you can also get positive reviews as well." So yeah, I agree with the sentiment. All right. I'll get into one more question about how the texting works.
I flew through that because I wanted to get to the review portion. Just to stress, this is all the stuff Kenect can do for you, it's not just the reviews. So we make your law firm number textable. You keep ownership of the number, all that stuff. This allows you to schedule consultation, send reminders, streamlines your intake. You can collect fees by sending a text. You can send case updates and communicate, which again we talked about will decrease your negative reviews. You can even video chat with clients with a single link, no software to download or anything like that. You can send and receive photos, videos, PDFs, attachments.
This is how the inbox looks on your side. It looks and functions like an email inbox. You can send and receive text messages from that inbox directly to clients. There's also a mobile app, so you can do it directly from mobile. And then on this screen you can see here all the different templates you can build and that are prebuilt. So you can send a quick reply for business hours, you can ask for payment, you can send a calendar invite, you can start a video chat. All this stuff is available directly on the Kenect app and within Kenect. So again, it does a ton more than just reviews. The reviews are important.
And you can see how this firm used it initially for intake, and now they text their clients, they text their prospects. They're getting new leads from their website, because they're adding the text us button to their website. They're getting more reviews, they're using it for video chat. All right. This is great stuff and great questions, I appreciate it. Michelle asks, is this document available after the webinar? Yes, we'll make the slides available. Good question. Thanks for jumping on everybody. Really appreciate it, great questions, had a great time. Thanks for the folks at Family Law Magazine, Dan and Martha and Catherine and Diana for helping us market this.
We felt it was really important content and important to share. Please, if you want a one-on-one demonstration of Kenect, just reach out to us at this number, text us. You can see how it works. What's going to happen when you text our main business number, is you're going to receive an auto responder that says, "Thanks for texting us, we're going to respond immediately." And within one to two minutes, someone's actually going to reply and text you on your cell phone using this number. They're going to sit down and do a one-on-one demonstration with you, probably takes 20 to 30 minutes and see if it works for your firm.