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Get Paid Faster with the LawPay-Kenect Integration

5 min. read

One of the biggest problems modern law firms face is getting paid quickly, regularly, and on time. LawPay already helps the legal industry deal with these problems every day by giving clients modern payment options. In fact, LawPay has helped legal professionals get paid as much as 39 percent faster than traditional methods.

We’re excited to announce that thanks to a new integration partnership between LawPay and Kenect, legal professionals can now get paid via text. 

Kenect is a texting platform used by thousands of law firms to communicate more effectively with clients, generate more Google reviews, and streamline intake—all via a simple and elegant texting platform. With the LawPay-Kenect integration, firms now have the ability to accept client payments via texting, as well.

Here, we’ll discuss some of the biggest benefits of the LawPay-Kenect integration and why law firms need to add texting into both their client communications and their billing process.

Read the Press Release about the integration.

Why do law firms need texting in their business?

Collecting payments from clients can often be remarkably frustrating. You’ll mail off an invoice, only to find that your client is ignoring it entirely.

Even if you try to call them to resolve the matter, or send them a polite email to remind them, it’s possible you’ll still be playing the waiting game. Phone calls are less likely to be answered than ever and only about 10 percent of emails are opened these days.

This is where a texting platform can make a world of difference.

Data suggests that as much as 98 percent of texts sent from businesses are opened, and 95 percent are read within three minutes. Furthermore, 89 percent of law firm clients say they prefer their law firms to text them rather than call them.

Much like how you should be providing your clients with the payment options they want, you should also be communicating with the method that your clients want to use. 

With Kenect, law firms can text clients from their main business phone number. In other words, not only can you text your clients about your work, you don’t have to use your private, personal cell phone to do it. Instead, you have a professional avenue to open up this line of communication with your clients.

How do texted payments work?

So how does it work? Simple.

Law firms need to be enrolled in Kenect and signed up for LawPay. Then to use it you simply: 

  • Log into Kenect from your phone or on desktop 
  • Click on the payments icon
  • A payable invoice is immediately generated. 
  • Input the client’s phone number and send the text
  • The client receives the text (98% of text messages are opened within 3 minutes) and clicks on the invoice link
  • They then enter in their CC information and click ‘Submit’ 
  • Boom. You’re paid. 
  • Then you’ll see the payments, invoices, and all other pertinent information reflected in your LawPay account. 

It is 100% secure and very fast. Our early analysis indicates that law firms will get paid 85% faster if they use this method. 

If you’re experienced with LawPay but new to Kenect, the Kenect team will walk you and/or your team through your new account with an in-depth training session.

How will the LawPay-Kenect integration benefit me?

Early data shows that you’ll get paid 85 percent faster and collect late payments nearly 100 percent of the time because you’re collecting payments via text.

This means you’ll spend up to 90 percent less time on the phone. Your employees will save time, be more efficient, and you’ll get paid faster. What’s not to love?

Texting is simply the fastest way to communicate with your clients. Now it’s the best way to collect payments too. To learn more about this exciting new integration between LawPay and Kenect, read our latest press release.

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