Reviews and Customer Quotes

Over 10,000 dealerships use Kenect to gather more reviews, manage their reputation , text their customers, and collect payments. And they love it!

Ryan Markel from Snow’s Polaris

“I recommend all dealerships use Kenect. If you’re not reaching out to your customers with texting, you’re missing the boat. We have all the departments in our dealership running on Kenect. Customers want you to text them.”

Ryan Markel
Sales Manager, Snow’s Polaris

Customer Testimonials

"We’ve had plenty of other offers from competing companies for business texting. We always opt out because Kenect works best for us and actually cares that our business is doing well."

Frank M.
Watersports Central

"We use Kenect in every department of our business. The ability to have a central location where all employees can access conversations is amazing! We will never leave Kenect. We absolutely love you guys!"

Will P.
Elkhart Indian Motorcycle

"We use Kenect in every department and it makes everything so much more efficient. For parts and service they are able to send pictures and videos of parts or damage via text to customers. Our sales department can easily follow leads and can answer questions quickly. And best of all, we can get more reviews than ever before to boost our online presence! "

Jason B.
Chemo RV

"We've established various teams to work within Kenect so we can have the smoothest sales process possible. We even send out direct links to our credit app so people can apply for financing through text! Our ENTIRE sales process relies on Kenect - it helps us every step of the way."

Jaime Y.
National Trailer Source

“We use Kenect daily for machine pick-ups, parts and service notifications, customer questions, payments, and much more. Our experience with quick links through Kenect has truly elevated the way we communicate with our customers every step of the way.”

Dakota M.
Longview Lawn and Garden

“Kenect has saved us a ton of time when it comes to communication efficiency. Phone calls and emails just take too long and we spent way too much time playing phone tag. The cross-visibility between co-workers is also HUGE! Another worker can easily pick up a conversation where it was left off and help the customer.”

Kathy D.
Leppo Rents

Not only is Kenect a great business tool, but the company itself is top of the line with great people and excellent support. When you partner with Kenect, you are not just getting a good product for your business, but you're getting a partner who is helping your business succeed and measures their success by how well they help you succeed!

John P.

Kenect is an excellent source for immediate communication with our clients. It has decreased our response time which our clients appreciate. The support system Kenect offers has been above expectation. Jordan Cowin, our Kenect customer service manager, is so helpful whenever needed, and very professional. I highly recommend Kenect to any company.

Info Schlegel Law Group

Glenn was energetic, positive, informative, helpful and very polite when we asked questions. I had an additional question after our training, and he called me right back to explain again the functionality. Great service customer skills!!

Jared W.

Kenect - Reputation Management for Dealerships

Dealers that use Kenect see a 2x or even 3x increase in their Google reviews in the first 90 days of working with Kenect.